Language: English

Sombo AG is one of the leading importers and wholesalers in the retail trade with toys, party and seasonal items. Many well-known manufacturers rely on us as their exclusive brand distributor for Switzerland. Where there are toys, there is Sombo AG! We supply specialist shops, store chains and online shops from our three warehouse locations in Walterswil, Birr and Wildegg. Thanks to the infrastructure, the large availability of goods and the team of around 80 people, a nationwide processing and covering of the Swiss market can be ensured. Service and customer service are our priority. Our infrastructure and our many years of experience in the industry enable us to provide comprehensive customer care and thus offer optimal conditions for long-term partnership-based business relationships.

From tabletop bombs to toy drones


Office hours
08.00 - 12.00 / 13.30 - 17.00
Sales territory
Warehouse toys
Birr AG / Wildegg AG
Warehouse seasonal
Walterswil SO
Walterswil SO

Company history

1974 Foundation of the company by Hans Sommer with the production of table bombs. The company name is made up of "Sommer" and "bombs" - "Som-Bo". After starting with the production of table bombs, the import of toys, carnival items, party items and fireworks was added over time.

1985 Fernand Dätwiler joins as commercial director and takes over the company 3 years later. Move into the buildings in Wildegg and Rupperswil. 

1991 The fireworks department of Sombo AG is merged with Ruckstuhl-Import AG to form Riag-Sombo AG in Rupperswil.

1993 Move into the new building in Rupperswil for the purpose of storing fireworks and the production of table bombs.

1994 New construction of the high-bay warehouse in Wildegg and the showroom on the top floor.

1999 Franklin Herz joins as business partner and commercial manager.

2006 New construction of the logistics center in Birr (5000 m2) to expand the storage capacity.

2009 Takeover of the company Riva+Kunzmann AG in Bubendorf with toy agencies and fireworks.

2010 Merger of Riag-Sombo AG and the fireworks share of the company Riva+Kunzmann AG to form the company Weco-Suisse AG with Weco Germany as a partner.

2013 Merger of Riva+Kunzmann AG into Sombo AG.

2013 New construction of the Weco Suisse AG fireworks building in Walterswil (12,000 m2) and parts of Sombo AG as well as the construction of the 600 m2 Sombo showroom.

2019 Succession and takeover of shares from Fernand Dätwiler by his son Roman Dätwiler.

Why our toys are safe


Sombo AG has a comprehensive and multi-level product safety concept that was developed in cooperation with a testing institute and the Swiss authorities. As one of the leading importers of toys and seasonal items, we attach great importance to high-quality, flawless products that meet European and, in particular, Swiss requirements.

Our product managers and QM managers are regularly trained internally and externally with regard to standards and legal changes.

Since 2017, the Swiss testing institute SQTS, in cooperation with the Swiss Toy Association (SVS), has been offering a multi-day further training course (further training specialist for toy safety), in which several of our employees take part every year in the sense of an introductory or refresher course. In addition, our QM managers take part in various courses and events in Switzerland and abroad in order to always sharpen the focus on current topics and changes in the law. We promote the exchange with other market participants, testing institutes and authorities and are correspondingly well networked.

For certain sensitive product groups, we arrange for additional tests in Swiss laboratories to ensure the highest possible product quality. For example, we have carnival dresses systematically tested for flammability by the SQTS to ensure that the highest safety requirements are met.

Our contribution to the environment


The issue of the environment and the careful use of valuable resources starts with small things. Maybe with the coffee mugs made of FSC wood or the biodegradable cleaning agents for cleaning. As a company, we try to make our contribution, both small and large. We have always built our new buildings using the latest technology, taking the environment into account.

During the construction of the building in Walterswil in 2013, safety regulations for the storage of fireworks and environmental issues for optimal and resource-saving operation of the logistics center played a primary role. It is thus possible to heat the entire building with an area of??12,000 m2 with heat pumps by drilling 36 geothermal probes at a depth of 200 meters. First-class insulation of the highest standard and the use of LED lights throughout the company enable energy-saving maintenance.

In 2022, a PV-system was set up on the flat roof over an area of ??5,000 m2, which on the one hand covers the company's own electricity requirements and also supplies 150 single-family houses with electricity. At the same time, electrical charging stations were set up, which are fed by the self-generated electricity. A contemporary investment for sustainable entrepreneurship and a sensible contribution to the environment. 

Our main transport partners also attach great importance to ecology and the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Social responsibility in the supply chain

Social commitment

Fair conditions for employees in the production of toys are very important to us. For this reason, we strive for long-term partnerships on an equal footing with our suppliers. Various standards have been established internationally, which ensure fair production conditions for employees in the respective production countries. Two of the standards are particularly widespread, which is why we would like to briefly introduce them:

The amfori Business Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading global trade association for open and sustainable trade. As a member of amfori, we have been taking this responsibility in procurement since 2010. The organization comprises more than 2,000 retailers, importers, brands and national associations worldwide, which together generate sales of more than one trillion euros.

With the "Code of Conduct", amfori sets out the values ??and principles that the participants strive to implement in the supply chains together with their business partners. The amfori Code draws on important international labor standards to protect workers' rights and lists 11 core labor rights. The participants and their business partners undertake to gradually implement them in their supply chains. Sombo AG was one of the first Swiss companies in the toys and seasonal items sector to join the amfori BSCI initiative. With our commitment on the board of amfori Switzerland, we are also trying to make our contribution to improving the supply chains.

The ICTI CARE Foundation (IETP) is an independent, not-for-profit organization established in 2004 to ensure and improve ethical and sustainable standards in the global toy and entertainment industry. The focus here is on fair working standards and conditions in the manufacture of the products, which are set out in the "ICTI Code of Business Practices". It's about ensuring that workers are treated fairly and in accordance with local laws, and that factories comply with legal requirements such as in occupational safety-, health- and environmental protection. In addition to monitoring standards, the ICTI CARE Foundation provides guidance and training to support factories and toy manufacturers. The aim is to have a global code of conduct and standard for the ethical manufacture of toys and children's products in the global supply chain.

Our suppliers usually use either the BSCI or the ICTI standard.


Language English

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